Coastal Resiliency
The ’62 Storm Music Video – a recount from a Bowers Beach perspective…
Beach Replenishment
The Delaware Bay Beach Work Group headed by Senators Bushweller and Simpson is well underway for developing resolutions for beach erosion and drainage in the Delaware Bay beach communities. For further information please visit DNREC’s: Shoreline & Waterway Management site.
The report on the Management Plan for Delaware Bay Beaches in which many residents participated by attending workshops is now available on DNREC’s website: Shoreline & Waterway Management Section.
Coastal Resiliency Action Plan Development:
The Town of Bowers has embarked on a cooperative effort with DNREC and NOAA to develop a Storm Resiliency Plan to evaluate the vulnerability of the Town and its ability to recover from a major storm event. The goal of this project is to develop a community-wide action plan that increases the resiliency of Bowers Beach, Delaware to the current and future affects of coastal storms and climate change. The project will develop a proactive plan that outlines the specific vulnerabilities of the community and the best actions to be pursued to address these issues. This will include actions to address current risks as well as future risks associated with climate change, including the potential impacts of sea level rise, increased storm frequencies and intensities, increased rates of erosion, salt water intrusion, wetland loss, and other impacts. The long range plan is not only to make the Town aware of its vulnerabilities and to come up with a plan to mitigate those vulnerabilities, but to use the analysis to seek out grants to accomplish work included in the plan. The success of this project depends on your involvement. Get involved at Town of Bowers Meetings.